Sponsorship (Podcast)

Sponsor Eddie’s “Your World Within” Podcast

Gain Instant Access to 1,000,000+ Listeners

As indicated by his 150,000,000+ listens and views across podcasting platforms and YouTube, Eddie excels at captivating his audience and inspiring individuals into taking action and realizing their potential.
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Why Should You Sponsor Eddie's Podcast?

Eddie has over 8,000,000+ downloads across podcasting platforms, 131,000,000+ listens and 742,000+ Subscribers on YouTube. Sponsoring his podcast gives your brand direct access a highly engaged and aligned audience that value and trust what he has to say.
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YouTube Subscribers:



Views on YouTube:



Watch Hours:



Instagram Followers:



Downloads on Podcasting Platforms:



Total Views per YouTube Podcast (Avg):




TikTok Followers:



Total Listeners per Podcast Episode (On Podcasting Platforms):




Audiences Across Social Media Channels:



We Like to Work With the Best-of-the-Best

“Your World Within” inspires people to take action, period. Eddie’s unique and impactful storytelling methods are the reason why he’s amassed a large and loyal audience consisting of Founders, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Creators, Coaches, Athletes and Runners (all proven action takers).

If you desire the true value of your brand, product or service to be promoted to a highly engaged and motivated audience, let’s talk.
We invite you to join us as a sponsor if you are:
A forward-thinking company that values innovation and leadership.
Eager to collaborate for mutual growth and success.
Seeking a highly engaged and action-taking audience that aligns with your brand, product or service.
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TEDx LogoIconmana LogoSkyNews LogoGoodlife Logo
Window World LogoMassachusetts LogoFitrec LogoCarmineGallo

Our Philosophy with Sponsorship

Mutual Benefit:

We focus on forming partnerships that offer value to both parties and audiences. Our goal is to ensure that we’re a good fit for one another and that the result is always win-win.
Alignment of Values:

We seek sponsors who not only support our vision but are also aligned with the motivational and empowering nature of our content.
Audience Engagement:

Sponsors gain direct exposure to our highly engaged and loyal audience, where trust has been established over a decade of consistently adding value and positively impacting lives.
Collaborative Growth:

We believe in collaboration where everyone wins on an ongoing basis. We never take on sponsors on a purely transactional level; instead, we view sponsors as partners with opportunities for continued collective growth and impact.
Inspiration and Empowerment: By sponsoring Eddie’s podcast, you become aligned with his inspirational and informative content that is uniquely crafted to empower listeners to take action. Perfect for gaining exposure for your brand, product or service.

Sponsorship Options

1 Week with Eddie

This comprehensive package includes multiple forms of media exposure over one week:
Podcast (Audio Only): Sponsor two episodes, published on Monday and Wednesday.
YouTube: Sponsor three videos, posted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Social Media: Increase your brand's exposure with one Instagram Story and one Twitter post shared on Eddie’s main accounts.
*This sponsorship offers the potential to reach an expansive audience of around 500,000 to 3,000,000+

Monday Sponsorship

Podcast (Audio Only): Sponsor the Monday episode, allowing Eddie’s audience to engage with your brand to kick-start the week.
YouTube: Sponsor the Monday video, giving your brand exposure to 742,000+ subscribers.
Social Media: Increase your brand's exposure with one targeted post on Monday via Eddie's main Instagram and Twitter accounts.
*This sponsorship offers the potential to reach an expansive audience of around 45,000 to 300,000+

Customizable Sponsorship

If you're looking for a tailored sponsorship opportunity that aligns perfectly with your brand's specific needs and goals, we invite you to book a personalized consultation.
Sponsor Eddie's Podcast

Unlock Your Brand's Potential with "Your World Within"

Step Into the Spotlight
If you're ready to gain direct exposure to Eddie's engaged and loyal audience by sponsoring his popular "Your World Within" podcast, here's how your journey ahead looks:
Sponsor the Podcast
Initiate Contact:
Don’t just stand on the sidelines. Book a call and gain instant exposure that gives your brand the attention it deserves.
Discovery Call:
This is where the magic begins. In our initial conversation, we’ll delve into your brand’s mission and values to ensure there is perfect synergy with Eddie’s audience.
Tailored Proposal:
If our visions align, we'll craft a personalized proposal for you to review. Everything is tailored to be a win-win for both parties to proceed.
At this stage, we'll set clear timelines, finalize our growth strategy, and start the countdown to putting your brand in the spotlight.

Sponsor the Podcast - Begin a Partnership that Transcends the Ordinary

Sponsorship with Eddie not only provides immediate exposure to his large and highly engaged audience but it also opens the door to future collaborative opportunities.
Sponsor Eddie's Podcast
Sponsor the Podcast